• Unpacker For Mac

    Unpacker For Mac

    Unarchiving and Decompressing.tar.xz Files On Unix-like Systems Command-line utilities are available on modern Linux systems, and other Unix-like systems, for unpacking.tar.xz archives. Modern version of tar can detect the type of compression used on an archive, so simply entering tar -xf archive.tar.xz will unpack the archive. For the more GUI-inclinded, modern Linux distributions include graphical tools for unarchiving.tar.xz archives like the Archive Manager. On Mac OS X On Mac OS, the Unix command-line tools are available and can be installed with package management systems like. The popular tool, uncompressed and unarchives.tar.xz files. It is also available on the Mac App Store.

    On Windows The popular open source Windows tool called can unpack.tar.xz files. Deaf presentation.

    The macOS file archiver. Store more, share with privacy. Download v1.1.7; Like it? 22.6 MB| Requires Mac OS X 10.9 or newer. Changelog| Beta| Legacy.

    Unpacker For Mac